New York Giants Mailbag: Memorial Day Weekend Edition

New York Giants Mailbag: Memorial Day Weekend Edition

You have been saying that if the Giants medical staff clears Daniel Jones, you’re all for him and that his injury history was your only concern. But don’t forget that you also stated many times that Daniel Jones had regressed and thought he needed to find another team because he could not play well behind a bad offensive line. Would love to hear your thoughts on this—Matt P.


Matt, Daniel Jones is the quarterback, regardless of who likes it and what concerns we may or may not have. Yes, I have said that he regressed last year, and I stand by that, just as I stand by the concerns I have outlined in past posts/podcasts that I have seen in his game from year to year.


I know about the circumstances that he dealt with last year. I also remain concerned about his injury history and hope for the best for him. Contrary to the belief of some, I don’t have anything against Daniel. If he does well, this team wins, and if they win, my job is easier on a weekly basis.


I said what I said. It’s MY OPINION. The Giants, who tried to trade up for a quarterback, must have thought they could upgrade the position as well; otherwise, why go through that exercise? In the end, they decided to stand pat and build around the position. We can either support it, hope for the best, or root for another team.



The Giants were the only team in the league that didn’t draft a single player at OL or DL. Although they have added OL vets, we still don’t know who the starting five will be.


On the defensive front, the G-men haven’t been able to stop the run. How do you see these the trenches playing out on both sides of the ball this year? – Jay B.


Jay, we won’t know what the trenches look like until the pads go on, so to sit here and say things will be okay would be a bit of a reach at this juncture. I mean, I’ve been burned before saying that moves that look good on paper show promise for what we see on the field, so moving forward, I want to see what it looks like rather than lean on PFF ratings and stats.


I did raise a question on my May 22 podcast as to whether the Giants defensive linemen outside of Dexter Lawrence were put into the right positions to succeed—if you get a chance, have a listen. …

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